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Bike Boulevards are here!

Have you noticed? Bike Boulevards have popped up all around Princeton. These are low-traffic roadways suitable for cyclists. Check out the following map of identified boulevards:

Together, these boulevards help establish a connected network around town and to popular destinations. For example, the Bike Boulevards, in tandem with certain off-road shared paths, create a nearly continuous loop connecting all the public schools, a significant component of the Safe Routes to Schools network. With a few nice weather days upon us, now’s the perfect time to try out these routes.

These Bike Boulevards also allow for other cycling loops, like from the 16-mile Fitness Loop around the perimeter or the 4.5-mile Town & Gown Loop near the town center. Zoom into the following map to explore these loops:

When driving a car, remain especially alert on Bicycle Boulevards, maintaining a safe speed and providing cyclists with plenty of space.

You're invited to our pollinator-inspired high tea fundraiser!

Indulge in delicious food made from locally-sourced ingredients at Tipple & Rose on September 15! Ticket sales support our free public events and programming!