What is Destination Electric?
Have you noticed the “Destination Electric” signs popping up around town? Princeton is now home to over 20 Destination Electric businesses. Learn more.
Repurpose Your Christmas Tree
Wondering what to do with your holiday tree? Review this list of ideas and consider how you might keep the season going.
It’s #GivingTuesday
We are so pleased to share our newly-designed brand identity and website. Imagine what your support can do! On #GivingTuesday, we hope you will consider a donation to Sustainable Princeton.
Save Energy. Save Money. Save Us.
Despite the recent 90-degree weather, fall is here. Now is the perfect time to make sure your home is well-insulated to keep winter heating costs to a minimum and do […]
With just a few minutes a month, you can help reduce flooding and keep our waterways healthy! It might not seem like a big deal to have leaves, grass and […]
There is No Such Thing as “Away”
Dear Friends, You may have read about the restrictions placed by China on importing recyclable materials from the United States. This recent state of affairs is an important reminder that change […]
Sustainable Practices At Princeton’s Elementary Schools
As the school year comes to an end, Sustainable Princeton would like to acknowledge the Princeton Public Elementary Schools’ efforts to reduce waste and promote environmental stewardship among their students. […]
Greenfest Brought the Sun & Fun
The sun was shining on Princeton’s GreenFest on Saturday, May 11 at the Princeton Shopping Center. With more than 700 people in attendance, the enthusiasm for sustainable living and learning was palpable! We are so thankful to so many for making this event a tremendous success.
Sustainable Princeton’s Greenfest
We’re hosting Princeton’s first-ever GreenFest A celebration of sustainable living Saturday, May 11 11am – 3pmPrinceton Shopping Center301 N. Harrison Street, Princeton Join us for an afternoon of engaging entertainment […]
Skip The Salt, Not Your Sidewalk!
Who’s ready for spring? We are! We are! In the event we have a snowy March, we want to remind you to use salt sparingly. Excessive use of salt can […]