Explainer Series #6: Green Infrastructure

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Welcome to our explainer series, taking important topics and going deeper! What is Green Infrastructure? We have all noticed the effects of increased rainfall and flooding. Likewise, we are probably […]

People emPOWERing Princeton

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Car-Free Family: Shridevi and Priyabrata Would you be able to go car-free for a week? A month? A year? Well, Shridevi, Priyabrata, and their two kids have been car-free since […]

Sustainable Home Expo Recap

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This year, we held our first Sustainable Home Expo, and it was a HUGE success! Thank you to all of the vendors/organizations that tabled and connected with residents, speakers that […]

Explainer Series #5: Community Solar

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Welcome to our explainer series, taking important topics and going deeper! What is Community Solar? Also called solar farms, roofless solar, or shared solar, community solar projects are large, central […]

Explainer Series #4: The Grid

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Welcome to our explainer series, taking important topics and going deeper! What is the Electricity Grid? The Electricity Grid is a crucial part of our daily lives, yet few people […]

Show Your Love For The Earth

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Sustainable Princeton would like to feature your art on our social media, newsletter, and website! In honor of Valentine’s Day and our love for the Earth, submit any form of […]


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Welcome to our first Neighbor Spotlight, where we showcase neighbors taking action to make our community a better, more sustainable place. Have you ever dropped off plastic film for recycling […]