Going Beyond: Climate Action and Economic Sustainability

The pandemic has hit Princeton’s business community hard but we have an opportunity to rebuild a local economy that works for everybody and advances Princeton’s climate action goals. On October 20, 2020, Michelle Pirone-Lambros and Jonathan Ratner joined us to address this critical issue.

Ask An Expert: Gardening with Natives, Controlling Invasives

Native plants thrive in our region, making them uniquely qualified to be low-maintenance and supportive of our native birds, insects, and animals. On June 9, 2020, Mike Van Clef joined us to share insights and answer your questions about gardening with native plants and controlling invasive species.

Shrink Your Footprint: On Your Plate

Our food choices contribute to our carbon footprint and have an impact on greenhouse gas emissions globally. On June 3, 2020, three distinguished guests discussed opportunities to change what you put on your plate to combat climate change.

Ask An Expert: Renewable Energy and Emission Reduction Targets

On May 5, 2020, sustainability and climate change leader, Bruno Sarda, joined us for our first Ask An Expert Anything session about renewable energy markets and how communities like Princeton can help the transition to fossil-fuel-free electricity.

Shrink Your Footprint: What We Buy

The goods we buy and the services we use matter. Our consumer behavior drives climate change; however, buying less does not necessarily imply a lower quality of life. On February 5, 2020, three experts joined us to discuss the latest advances in sustainable consumption and how you can reduce your carbon footprint.

Shrink Your Footprint: On the Go

There are many options to get around while reducing your carbon footprint. Switching to them is easier than you think. On December 4, 2019, three experts joined us to discuss what’s happening in Princeton so you can move around in a climate-friendly way.

Shrink Your Footprint: At Home

Whether you rent or own, there are things you can do to lighten your home’s load on our warming planet. On November 12, 2019, three experts joined us to discuss steps to build a greener home, reduce energy usage and encourage smart buildings within our community.