Home / Our Focus – Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

WHY: To mitigate the worsening of climate change we must facilitate the reduction of energy consumption from our buildings, encouraging renewable energy, and helping the switch to sustainable transportation.

HOW: Facilitate the reduction of energy consumption in the built environment and the switch to sustainable transportation. eCommuter Fest, Sustainable Home Expo, and Green House Tours are a few examples of how we engage the community.

Where Our Emissions Come From

This Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory measures and tracks the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by Princeton, New Jersey annually.

  • Buildings, meaning our homes and businesses are our largest source of emissions
  • Transportation is the second largest contributor to GHG emissions in Princeton, although it is the largest source in New Jersey
  • Solid Waste and Wastewater and Water represent a small portion of our Scope 1 emissions, making it less impactful in our overall strategy

Seeing the emissions in the Production-Based GHG inventory can be intimidating but luckily there are a number of ways we can reduce the emissions in both sectors.

Princeton's production-based GHG Inventory 2023 pie chart

Princeton’s Climate Action Plan

Princeton’s goal to reduce community-wide carbon emissions can be found in Princeton’s Climate Action Plan:

50% by 2030 | 65% by 2040 | 80% by 2050

From 2010 level, while pursuing efforts to reduce 100% of emissions by 2050.

Our Initiatives

The Municipality of Princeton has a goal to reduce carbon emissions and to help the community become more resilient. An easy way for residents to get involved is by participating in one of PSE&G’s energy-efficiency programs.

Community solar projects are large, central solar arrays that generate electricity. They provide the benefits of solar to those who are not able to install rooftop solar. Subscribe to a project!

Sustainable Princeton has hosted eCommuter Fest since 2020. This annual event celebrates low-carbon and carbon-free commuter options with the Princeton community and includes educational tables, E-bike test rides, an EV showcase, and more!

The Sustainable Home Expo allows residents to speak directly with sustainable contractors, landscapers, and solar installers. Along with the expo floor, there are educational sessions on a variety of sustainable home topics.

Attendees can see how neighbors create healthier and more energy-efficient homes and environments with green building practices, such as solar panels with energy storage, rain gardens, superior insulation, and more.

Held in partnership with the Princeton Environmental Commission.

A monthly blog series that showcases individuals, couples, or families for their efforts to emPOWER Princeton through all things energy.