Clean air, pure water, and open spaces are essential to human and environmental health. Princeton’s Climate Action Plan is primarily focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making our community more resilient. Yet, a number of the Plan’s actions provide the co-benefit of improving our local environmental health and consequently, our quality of life.
During this May 5th webinar, three distinguished panelists reflected upon the value of improving our local air and water quality and the preservation of our natural ecosystems: Sharon Davis, Chief of Bureau of Evaluation and Planning, Division of Air Quality within the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, Daniel Van Abs, PhD, FAICP/PP, Associate Professor of Professional Practice for Water, Society and Environment in the Rutgers-School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, and Patricia Shanley, PhD, a founder of Ridgeview Conservancy. The event was moderated by Jay Watson, Senior Director of Statewide Land Protection and Community Relations for the NJ Conservation Foundation.
Review this webinar or download the slides.