Buildings are the number one source of emissions in Princeton with a lot of that energy being used to heat our homes. By using these Home Heating Hacks you can help reduce Princeton’s GHG emissions while also saving money and making your home more comfortable.
Schedule a Home Energy Assessment
First and foremost your home needs to be as energy efficient as possible. In order to do this you can schedule a Home Energy Assessment with PSE&G. PSE&G offers three programs based on your income level, check out which program you qualify for on their website.
A certified energy advisor will inspect your home and provide you with specific energy efficiency measures. They will also provide you with rebates and incentives to make any recommended upgrades (no obligations required).

Install a Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostats allow for you to control the temperature of your house from your phone. You can set schedules on these thermostats for when you wake up, get home or leave.
PSE&G offers a Smart Thermostat Rebate for its electricity and gas customers. Below are the rebate details as of December 2023:
The Smart Thermostat Rebate
Up to $100 available to residential PSE&G customers in New Jersey. Limit: two thermostat rebates per electric, natural gas or dual fuel customer.
Use your Windows and Shades to Your Advantage
Make sure your windows are closed tightly in the winter. Because of the Stack Effect any gaps or openings will draw outdoor cold air in which will then be heated and escape back out… wasting a lot of energy. If your windows are closed tightly this effect can be minimized.

Open your south facing shades during the day in the winter to let the light in your space. When the sun goes down close your blinds and shades. Cellular shades can add an extra layer of insulation.
Bleed Your Radiators
If your home has radiators it is important to bleed them at least once a year. Bleeding your radiators ensures your system is as efficient as it can be as it removes unwanted air and removes cold spots. Before you begin be sure to turn off and let your central heating system cool down. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to bleed your radiators.

Don't Pour Your Hot Water Down the Drain

Take advantage of your warm/hot water. After making dinner or taking a warm bath let the water cool down before draining. That water can help provide heat in your home by releasing heat as it cools to room temperature.
Clean/Replace Your Air Filters

A clean air filter will not only improve the air quality in your home it will also allow for your HVAC system to run more efficiently. When an air filter is clean the air is able to pass through easier making your system work more efficiently.
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