Princeton Reopens Safely & Sustainably

What does a sustainable and resilient community look like as it safely reopens?

Enjoy a stroll down Witherspoon and Hulfish Streets and you’ll see just that, as outdoor dining fills the streets, customers safely queue, sidewalks remain open for pedestrians, and bike parking is in abundance. 

As businesses begin re-opening and residents grow in their comfort to venture out, other Princeton streets will gain a new look as well. In coordination with municipal leadership and staff, merchants, and the Princeton Bike Advisory Committee, we’ve been working on a Streets for People initiative to enable a reopening that supports sustainable living.

With Streets for People, everyone, regardless of age, ability, income, race, or ethnicity, has safe, comfortable, and convenient access to our community and all that it offers. Want to bike and shop in town? We’ve got you covered. Want to stroll downtown? Bring your mask and support local businesses while maintaining social distance.

Over the next couple of weeks, Streets for People will also be working to open Slow Streets and Bike Boulevards. Slow Streets will be residential streets designated for reduced traffic flow so residents can use the streets to enjoy biking, walking, or other activities. Bike Boulevards will enable several cycling loops. Visit the Streets for People website to explore the 16-mile Fitness Loop or the 4.5 mile Town & Gown Loop.

With these new measures, we can safely and sustainably restore our economy and strengthen our society. We hope you will participate in and enjoy this new chapter of Princeton’s reemergence.