On April 20, 2024, over 450 community members gathered for the second annual “Party Like It’s Your Earth Day” community green fair hosted in partnership with Sustainable Princeton and Morven Museum & Garden.
Several Princeton Public Schools participated in the event and hosted a wide variety of fun, family-friendly activities which we’re highlighting here.
Johnson Park Elementary School hosted an activity called “Come plant with JP!” They had an activity station for kids that teaches the basics of planting. This included mini planters, seeds, soil and water to get them started. About 200 event participants assembled mini planters, scoop soil, plant seeds and water.
Community Park Elementary School hosted a reading nook and provided a selection of sustainability books from the Princeton Public Library, provided blankets for reading, as well as parents and students to help read aloud to younger visitors.
Princeton Middle School shared information about their hydroponic enclosed tower. They featured pictures, plants, and research on the topic.
- Princeton High School offered multiple programs including:
Students for Animal Advocacy and Environmental Action (SFAAEA) Club hosted an environmentally-themed trivia game, shared information about the legislative projects, and hosted a bracelet-making with wooden beads for younger children. - PHS Science to Startup Club’s Bug Soap Team sold their handmade sustainable soaps made of black soldier fly oil and shared information about how the soaps are made. The Bug Soap Club made over $200 in soap sales.
- The Ridgeview Turtles, a community service group at Princeton High School, focused on preserving the “emerald necklace” of forests around Princeton, removing invasive species and building trails at Ridgeview Woods shared invasive plant species samples and informational posters.
- A class of students hosted a game on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- Princeton High School Biking Clubs offered light bike maintenance and minor repairs including: patching tires, lubricating chains, installing bike parts like new tires, seat adjustments and fixing rust.
- PHS A Cappella group, Around 8, performed a set at the event.
- In addition, several students volunteered to help teach and monitor proper trash, compost, and recycling disposal at the zero-waste stations and also generally helped with event support throughout the day.

In addition to the schools, local nonprofit organizations including, Friends of Princeton Open Space, Friends of Herrontown Woods, NJ Native Plant Society, The Cloth Option, and R+K=Smiles Upcycled Toys contributed to programming.
Gratitude Yoga offered a free outdoor yoga session on the lawn. Morven’s horticulturist, Louise Senior, offered free historic garden tours, and Sustainable Princeton launched its new community lending library of tools and electric equipment.
Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers and community partners!