Wondering what to do with your holiday tree? Review this list of ideas and consider how you might keep the season going.
- Reuse fresh-cut boughs for wreaths, mantle displays, or centerpieces.
- Use branches to insulate your garden and flower beds.
- Mulch with pine needles to add nutrients to your soil.
- Add pine needles to a bowl of potpourri to freshen your house.
- Turn a trunk into a scratching post for your cat.
- Create a brush pile in your yard with the branches.
- Use a wood chipper to create your own mulch.
- Cut the trunk into discs to make flower bed trimming or coasters.
- Research ways to plant your next Christmas tree in your yard.
Regardless, do not put your tree in the trash. Instead, Princeton residents are asked to leave their trees curbside throughout the month of January so the municipality can pick them up for chipping.
Best of luck and happy new year!