Should I Get Solar Panels?

Have you ever thought about installing solar panels but aren’t sure if they are right for you? Follow this flow chart to see if you are ready to install solar panels and find resources to learn more!

Solar Flow Chart PDF

Community Solar

Use Google’s Project Sunroof 

  • Enter your address into Project Sunroof to learn how much sunlight your roof gets and what the potential for solar would be on your roof

Schedule a Home Energy Audit:

  • Before installing solar it is recommended to make your home as energy efficient as possible because the cleanest energy is the energy that isn’t used! Find which Home Energy Audit program you would qualify for. 

Find a solar professional and compare quotes:

  • EnergySage allows you to find solar professionals and compare quotes all in one place.
  • If you aren’t sure if you can afford solar, this is a great place to start!