Sustainable Princeton Hosts First Sustainable Home Expo

Contractors and experts all under one roof for the first time


Elana Berk

Communications & Outreach Manager 

Sustainable Princeton 

(609) 454-4757

[Princeton, NJ]: Sustainable Princeton is hosting its first-ever Sustainable Home Expo on March 9 from 10 am to 4 pm at the Suzanne Patterson Center in Princeton. The Expo is focused on helping Princeton residents take the first steps to make their homes more sustainable by gathering local home improvement contractors, solar installers, landscapers, and more. In addition to vendors, the municipal electrical subcode official, members from the Environmental Commission, and the Historic Preservation Commission will be available that day to answer questions. Attendees can also attend free expert-led educational seminars and demos throughout the day. 

Seminar topics include a 2023 Green House Tour Host’s Panel, a Green Renter’s Panel, a chef-taught induction cooking demonstration, a rooftop and community solar “panel,” home energy efficiency programs, and EV charging station incentives. 

“Buildings, including our homes, are the largest portion of greenhouse gas emissions in our community. Part of our mission is to encourage residents to decarbonize their homes by making them more energy efficient, considering rooftop or community solar, and managing their yards more sustainably. We recognize how overwhelming it can be to get started,” said Christine Symington, Executive Director of Sustainable Princeton. “This Expo aims to educate people about their options, connect them to local professionals, and help them take advantage of the state and federal incentives.”

While this expo focuses on Princeton residents, commercial property owners are encouraged to stop by the Sustainable Princeton table to learn about programs specifically for them.

“Our 2022 greenhouse gas inventory revealed that 42.3% of emissions come specifically from commercial buildings in town. There are energy efficiency programs and incentives just for commercial buildings that we want to connect local business owners and property managers to. I want our local business community to know they can meet us at the expo or contact our office anytime. We can help point them in the right direction.” said Alex Dill, a program manager at Sustainable Princeton.

To learn more about the Sustainable Home Expo and other upcoming events from Sustainable Princeton events, please visit :