Switching to an electric vehicle (EV) is easier and more affordable than ever.
Electric vehicles are clean, convenient, and fun to drive.
Choose an electric car.
We’ve got several good reasons you should make the switch.
- EVs are affordable. Not everyone can afford the latest Tesla Model X, but fortunately, that’s not the only option. Plug In America and Destination Electric can help you search the more than 40 models available in our region and compare options.
- Fueling an EV is cheaper. Mile for mile, it’s cheaper to recharge an EV than refuel your tank. Use the ChargEVC EV savings calculator to estimate your commuting costs and compare gas costs vs electricity. The U.S. Department of Energy also has a tool at fueleconomy.gov to compare the environmental impacts and costs of various vehicles.
- Public charging is widely available in our region. There are more than 300 public charging locations in NJ, a list that is growing every year.
- EVs are cleaner. EVs have lower lifetime emissions than hybrid or gas-powered vehicles, even when accounting for battery manufacture emissions. The Alternative Fuels Data Center can show how this is especially true for New Jersey.
- Home charging is convenient. Those who charge at home get to skip the weekly trip to the gas station, as well as oil changes.
- EVs have perks. Not only are they fun to drive, but they are also eligible for numerous state and federal incentives, exempt from NJ sales tax, and don’t need NJ emissions test.
If you are purchasing an EV check out this fact sheet and discussion guide that will help you choose the right vehicle.

Find an EV charging station.
- Worried about finding a place to charge your car when traveling? There are a number of charging station websites and apps to help plan your trip such as: PlugShare and A Better Routeplanner.
- There are currently 20 public EV charging stations in Princeton: eight at the Municipal building at 400 Witherspoon Street (including 1 ADA-accessible charging station), two at the Princeton Shopping Center, two at Spring Street Garage, and two at Palmer Square Garage. We are always working to bring more to the area. Check out the Plugshare map to find more locations.
Funds for businesses.
Funding is available for multi-unit dwellings, businesses, governments, non-profits, and educational institutions to offset the cost of purchasing and installing electric vehicle charging stations.

Helpful Hints.
- Need help choosing a home charging station? ChargeHub has a guide to compare the most popular charging stations on the market.
- To get the most up-to-date information about federal and state tax credits and other incentives, check out Energy.Gov’s website.
Did You Know?
- Swap and save. Replace a gas-powered car with an electric vehicle and lower your maintenance costs. The average cost to operate an EV is $485 per year compared to $1,117 per year for a gas-powered vehicle.
- Get a rebate. In 2021, up to $5,000 was available from the state for buying or leasing an eligible vehicle.
- Skip the tax. Zero-emission vehicles are exempt from New Jersey state sales tax.
- No emissions, no test. Battery electric vehicles are exempt from NJ emissions testing.
- Move on up. Plug-in EVs are eligible for HOV lanes on the NJ Turnpike as well as the Green Pass Discount for the NJ Turnpike and NJ Garden State Parkway.
- Range anxiety? Not in New Jersey! Explore NJ’s map of public EV charging stations.
- Lower your footprint. Switching to an electric vehicle will reduce greenhouse gas emissions even when the emissions from electricity generation sources in our area are taken into account. For a detailed analysis, check out this study.