When it comes to public transportation, there are several choices in Princeton and a number of them are free.
Use the real-time bus locators to ride Princeton’s free buses — the Princeton Muni Service and Tiger Transit.
Try a new bus route.
- The Princeton Muni Transit follows a path around Princeton Monday through Friday. Download the Tripshot app to get real-time location information.
- The Princeton University transit system, or TigerTransit, operates on a fixed route throughout the Princeton campus and surrounding community. Stops include certain Route 1 retail centers, as well as Forrestal Village. TigerTransit is free and open to the public.
- NJ TRANSIT offers two other lines that service our area. NJT Line 605 travels to Quakerbridge Mall, Mercer Mall, Nassau Park, Market Fair, Montgomery ShopRite, and Princeton Station. NJT Line 606 provides transport to Rider University, Hamilton Marketplace, downtown Trenton, and more.
- Coach USA/Suburban Transit Line 100 offers two lines to New York City and around Central New Jersey.

Take a train to your next destination.
- Hop on the NJTRANSIT Princeton Branch line (a.k.a. the Dinky) at the Princeton Station on Alexander Street and get a ride to Princeton Junction in West Windsor.
- From Princeton Junction, travel the Northeast Corridor Line via NJTRANSIT, Amtrak, or SEPTA regional rail.
Helpful hints.
- Ride in style. Download an app to improve the bus experience.
- TransLoc Rider app provides real-time bus updates for TigerTransit and the freeB.
- NJ TRANSIT Mobile app allows you to buy tickets and get customized alerts.
- Megabus RIDE app offers free movies and TV shows.
- Curb your car. Take your bike on TigerTransit, freeB, and NJ TRANSIT. Make sure you are familiar with the bike rules for NJ TRANSIT.
- Learn how. First time on the train or bus? The Mercer County Mobility Guide can help.