Walk or Ride

The benefits of walking and bike riding are numerous: exercise, fresh air, less traffic, and savings on gasoline. With a walk or a ride, you can lower your stress and your carbon footprint.​

Best of all, biking and walking are fun.

Looking for inspiration to walk more?

Bicyclist with smiling woman

Ready to bike, but don’t know where to start?

Be safe Princeton!

Pedestrians, learn from the Street Smart campaign:

  • Wait for the Walk
  • Use Crosswalks
  • Heads Up, Phones Down
Bikers, follow GMTMA’s advice:
  • Be Seen: A front white light and rear backlight are essential and required.
  • Be Heard: Let others know you’re approaching. Bells are required.
  • Be Right: Ride in the same direction as traffic, as far to the right as practicable.
  • Be Headstrong: It’s always smart to wear a helmet. Under 17, it’s required.
Know the regulations. Learn more.
Bicycles parked at rack

Did you know?

Walking, free public transport. Within the US urban areas, half of all vehicle trips are less than three miles. Burn calories, not cash. Today, fewer than 15% of students walk or bike to school, down from 50% of students in 1969. During this same time period, the number of overweight schoolchildren has risen — now nearly 1 in 5 school-age children are obese.