As you may have heard, New Jersey has enacted one of the toughest plastic ban laws in the country. Within a few months, the state will start rolling out the following actions:
- Starting November 2021, food service businesses will be permitted to provide a plastic straw to a customer only upon request.
- Starting May 2022, a ban on Styrofoam containers such as clamshell takeout boxes takes effect.
- Starting May 2022, a ban on plastic bags takes effect at grocery, retail, and restaurants.
- Starting May 2022, a ban on paper bags takes effect at supermarkets over 2,500 square feet.
This means that large supermarkets, like McCaffrey’s, will no longer provide plastic or paper bags — you will either need to bring your own or buy bags at checkout. Now’s definitely the time to get in the habit of bringing your reusable bags!
Get More Information
- Residents, learn more at njnoplastics.org and check out our reusable bag advice
- Businesses, read this list of establishments to see what actions apply to you and learn about virtual roundtables or find approved bags at business.nj.gov/recent/disposable-bag-ban
- Or anyone can read the fine print of this law at www.nj.gov/dep/plastic-ban-law/